is 5'8 tall for a girl

Your boyfriend's probably just teasing, it's a boyfriends job to tease and joke otherwise the relationship is dull. Pretty Little Thing Sizing and fit? (young women from the Netherlands have an average of 5'8 !). That's considering I used to be one of the tallest in my year group back when I first started secondary school. Why is dating for status and money reducing in Eastern culture? What’s the type of jump called where you hit your bum as you jump? You're lucky, you area good height. Any help? you're tall!! It's actually a good height. It's not that much talker then the average girl. (Yes I know there has been a ton of more height posts than this). Girls, what is the lowest height you would be willing to go for in a guy? Can you apply for a different course in Clearing? Everyone wants to hug the adorable, fun-sized friend. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. 5ft5 is average height for a female so yes 5ft8 is on the tall side. I was 5'8 in the 6th grade. 0. Like, my gf is the shortest girl I've ever dated, and she's 5'7" (the tallest was 5'10") and of my female friends, none are under 5'6" whilst most are around your height. Tell us a little about yourself to get started. 1 0. Heck, no! I don't know what to do and I don't know to accept the fact that I'm tall. I don't think 5'8 is especially tall - certainly not freakishly tall. When I go out I get looks and I've tried fixing it by not wearing heels but it doesn't work. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, Okay so, I'm 5'8 and literally everyone is shorter than me. don't worry about it so much. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. Yes, though not too tall 5’8 is definitely above average for a girl’s height. My boyfriend hates that I wasn't a virgin when we met. Suggest an anime for me to read or watch! I feel freakishly tall and so confused on what to do. AQA A-level Physics Autumn Exam 7408 Paper 1,2,3 9/15/21 Oct 2020 - Exam Discussion, AQA History A-level Autumn Exam 7042 - P 1,2, 7th/12th October 2020 - Exam Discussion, Durham University 2021 Applicants Chat Thread. She is very pretty and I tell her that someday those people will look up to her (not literally). ? Commonly treated as a freak, or monster. Most tall guys like shirt girls. I like people taller than me. I'd say women who are 5'8 or taller can be considered tall. I think if people like you for who you are, height doesn't even come into it. I am 5'9" :) and a girl. 5 years ago. You are defs not short, your boyfriend will be just messing with you since he is taller than you are. Favourite answer. Comment. You don’t need to find a tall guy, you need to find a guy that likes tall girls. But know a girl who is 6FT 6" tall, and she makes me feel short. I'm 5'9 and I'm a male, but 5'8 is an ideal height. Girls, would you date a 5'7/5'8 guy? do tall guys like short girls? I am that height and it is the perfect height imo. Belgium – 5’11. 5'8 is tall, but I wouldn't say too tall. What should I do? Ideal height for men is more around 6'4-6'5. So, I wouldn't say 5'7 is particularly tall for a woman. Some tall girls would look great as models This was reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and applies to women over the age of 20. Chocha. 0 0. tiana. 5'8 is not that tall for a girl. should i ask my lady to marry me ,i love her so much . If you grew fast its understandable that you would feel lanky, because you haven't had time to get used to it. People say I'm tall, but I don't feel like I am. It is above average. Germany – 5’8. For the younger generation, it's fairly average. Answer Save. Do you think 5'8 is quite tall for a girl? 0. 5 years ago. Get answers by asking now. @Kiddhiro : It’s true that 5’8” is not short for a woman. I just grew faster than the others. So NO its not too tall, plus it's not like you can really change it, so might as well accept yourself how you are. Every body is different, so the ideal weight for a 5-foot-8-inch woman can vary quite a bit, depending on factors like her age, frame size and body composition. My cousin who is 13 years old is around 5'8" or nearing 5'9". A 5'7 woman is the equivalent of a 6 foot man. For Asia Yes. No such thing as trying to “slip in” anywhere. "Too " gives the impression that there's something that can be done about it. I don't think there is a "too tall." compare his height with other guys. ur normal.. y dont u call him the same. I’m 21 y/o male and at 5'10" I was already proud of reaching that height but we are hoping for her to break the 6ft barrier. So if you are 6’+, then you are amongst the lucky ones. I don't think 5'8" is tall, I think it's average. However, kids may get a little bored by the film. For a woman raised in the United States, the average height is currently 5 feet 4 inches. The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. You're seriously not freakishly tall! Sara. On the other hand she does not want to be that tall because her peers tease her a lot. Bonus points since it's usually when I'm also wearing heels that make me 6'3" or so. 5'9 and proud! Girls look so sexy in heels! Should i feel upset when my 29 y/o bf tells me when he finds a girl on TV hot? Short attractive guy or tall unattractive guy? 5'5" and under is considered short, 5'5" and over is considered tall. Since you're 5'8", you're more on the tall side. Why would you feel insecure about being tall? Meanwhile, the average height for men of a similar age in the U.S. is around 5 feet 9 inches. It's tall for a girl but not too tall. If I had a choice between a girl that was 5’8 and one that was 5’5, I would take the one that was 5’8. Based on the statistics, “tall for a woman” begins at 5′8″ (1SD or 84th percentile) so 5′7″ is not tall. 6. I'm 5'9 and I've only gotten positive comments about it (well excluding some random girls when we were in like 5th grade). Do you need to be 6”5 and over to get a hot white girl ? © Copyright The Student Room 2017 all rights reserved. My buddy's older sister is 5'11 I would say that's pretty tall for a girl, but then again everyone's different. Is 5"8 tall for a girl? Suddenly can’t access any “adult” content on my phone on 4g. Merseyside Police Recruitment February 2020. The number of times I've gotten the line "you're the tallest woman in/at this (club/bar/party, whatever)" when guys are trying to hit on me is pretty telling that a lot of tall guys like tall girls. So I have no idea if I really am short, or if I'm average height. Is 6 foot really that tall?Why is it portrayed as really tall? To be honest though, I kind of wish I was just a bit taller, like maybe 5'10". In reality they are some of the most beautiful girls out there. Why is society making me feel like I’M the one who is doing something wrong? Your height is always juuuuust too short to reach the top shelf. I think anything over 5'11" for a girl is to tall just like a lot of men think they are "short" compared to others if they are under 6'. But no, you're not short, you are average height. You cant really do anything to increase or decrease your height i'm afraid, 5'8 is normal for a teen girl (if you're teen). ; ), no way girl! Short guys usually don’t care about height, and a lot of them have a fetish for tall girls. Not saying this applies to every single tall girl on the planet. What is your height preference in the opposite gender? Girls what's the shortest guy you would date Best height for a female? Is being 5'7 tall for a girl? Country/Region “ Average male height “ Average female height “ Age of samples “ Argentina : 174.5 cm (5' 8.7") 161.0 cm (5' 3.4") 19 T he results of the largest-ever study of global height were published this week. You cant really do anything to increase or decrease your height i'm afraid, 5'8 is normal for a teen girl (if you're teen). (Start typing, we will pick a forum for you), Taking a break or withdrawing from your course. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. I'm not sure if he's joking or not, because some people are way taller than me, and some are much shorter. Your boyfriend may have called you shortie, because you're shorter than him. But when you hug a tall girl, her chin is probably going to be resting on your head as she stoops to hug you like your grandmother. Netherlands – 6’ Based on those numbers, you’d have to be at least 6’ to be considered tall in most parts of the world. But a tall man is one whose height exceeds the national average height for … 7. jtolb65. If a 5’9” girl gives you proper respect and you find her attractive in … Girls, what do you think of a guy who's 5'8? It covers the 95th percentile, which means that 5 percent of women 20 years and over are tall with the height of 5’8”. Chihiro94 Posts: 2,667. And unless you have the face and general Kate Mossiness of Kate Moss, your childhood dreams of being a model were all but entirely dashed. I know a girl who is 6'3. It's my ideal height! There's people who are like 6 ft. tall and there's nothing wrong with them. At least that's how medical height scales categorize it. And wear your heels. Unfortunately I'm stuck at 5'3 but hoping to hit a growth spurt any day now . tall girls? This largely limits the dating pool where tall women are concerned, even if you think short guys are cute. And being tall isn't a bad thing, I've never really understood why people have a problem with it, I find it empowering. Being noticeable as soon as you walk into pretty much any room. 5'8 isn't that tall. What do you think of the answers? Dominican Republic – 5’8’’ Germany – 5’10″ Russia – 5’7.5’’ Kenya – 5’7’’ China – 5’6.5’’ India – 5’5.5’’ From this list, you will need to be at least 6 feet tall to be looked at as a tall man. Tall girls: would you date a shorter guy? You're tall for a female so it's just jokes. All schools in England set to reopen to all age groups from 8th March. If anything, it makes it harder for people to keep things out of your reach. I'm the same height and still growing so It's all fine :D. Preferably I like people with long legs (like guys and I just think girls look twice as better) so I strut around with mine. Who would you rather be? 5. You're not too tall. My boyfriend is 5'11" and he's always calling me "shortie". Unfortunately I'm stuck at 5'3 but hoping to hit a growth spurt any day now . worried about site i accidently clicked on, PwC Technology Flying Start Degree Apprenticeship 2021. accidentally looked up something illegal ... help! Official Leeds Arts University 2021 applicant thread, Say the first word that you think of when you see the word above, University of Liverpool: Accommodation Guide and FAQs. Do their clothes run big or small? 12 Answers. Applying to uni? To tell if you’re a tall girl, compare your height to your friends. But perhaps you’re paying too much attention to height. 5. Stand tall and be proud! If you’re taller than most or all of them, then you’re probably tall! Your boyfriend's probably … 5 years ago. You're not too tall - I'm a girl too and 5'9 but I agree I always feel discouraged from wearing heels. But 5'8" is AWESOME. Overall, Tall Girl is appropriate for kids ages 10 and up. Not even close. Nothing wrong with that. Is it normal to still hold a grudge on someone for over 20 years? 5′7″ is a moderate/average height and therefore not considered tall. he'll cry. GiraffeGirl Posts: 13,619. I'm a female, 5ft 10" tall in bare feet. Find your group chat here >>, England's schools re-opening to all 8th March. A girl who is taller than 5'8" or 5'9". But the second you put on heels, it’s like, whoa, I never realized you were so tall, attack of the 50-foot woman, no, stop it. Hey, he's just calling you that because you're shorter than him, that's all! show 10 more girls, would you settle for a guy who is 5'8''?? I often get reminded by a lot of people that I'm short. without them I would need to take ladders every time I went to a supermarket. I am 5’8 and I would love to date a girl that’s 5’9! And in the survey above, they have also found out that females in the U.S., which is 20 years and above with all ethnicity and race groups have 68.1 inches height or 5’8”. What age is considered too old for clubbing? What age is weird to still be living at home with parents? For AUstralia Never. Dont worry about it, your an average height :). Alternatively, you may have difficulty finding pants that are long enough due to your long legs. No comments | | | 0 No comments. Someone said no one cares if I exist or not? I pretty much stopped growing after that and now a lot of my mates just dwarf over me. I am 5’8 and I’m really into tall girls. Omg i accidentialy picked wales n ni in my top choices, Help I was bullied and can't stop crying, AMA- I sell foot pictures/ worn socks as a side hustle. Still have questions? I'm 5'11 and a girl, most people at my school range from about 5'7 to 5'9 - trust me, you aren't that tall, let alone 'freakishly tall'. girls, would you settle for a guy who is 5'8''?? But half the time, it’s just amusing when guys who are so much shorter than you, hit on you. honey im 5'9" and i love wearing 6 inch heels at parties, no one looks at shorter girls, they pay attention to the ones with the long legs, I dont think it matters personally short girls are cute and tall girls are models :). Is 5 feet 5 inches tall for a girl? It's my ideal height! What do you think? Same holds true for height.....a 5'-8" guy would be tall compared to girls, but compared to many other guys, that is short. Best Height for a girl … United States – 5’9 (White males) Britain – 5’9. Like, my gf is the shortest girl I've ever dated, and she's 5'7" (the tallest was 5'10") and of my female friends, none are under 5'6" whilst most are around your height. 7. Who would you be marooned on a desert island with. You can personalise what you see on TSR. Average is about 5'5". 6. 5'5" is the only height that can be considered short OR tall. I don't think 5'8" is tall, I think it's average. Do you think 5'8 is quite tall for a girl? Relevance. 4. I have many female friends who are 6'+ too. Change from migrant worker to home student, Help what should I include I got rejected the first time. (Anything is possible though and a minority of tall girls are into it!) I think standing up straight with confidence makes such a huge difference to how your height appears to other people so try not to "compensate" by hunching. I'm also 5'8 I'm waaaaayytaller than most of my friends but I have 2 who are about 5'9&5'10. Related Reading: Best Recumbent Bikes for Tall People 5’8 is the perfect height for a girl! Hugging short people is super awkward. I'm 5'8" and I'm a girl.

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