joe biden biography

Joe Biden is the 46th president of the United States. Beau Biden, a former attorney general of Delaware, was the son of President Joe Biden and also served in the National Guard. Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20, 2021. [396][397][398][399] He issued an executive order that revoked permits for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline,[400][401] a pipeline heavily criticized by environmental and Native American activists and groups, resulting in Canadian energy company TC Energy's eliminating 1,000 construction jobs. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., commonly known as Joe Biden, is an American politician. His negotiations with congressional Republicans helped pass legislation including the 2010 Tax Relief Act, which resolved a taxation deadlock; the Budget Control Act of 2011, which resolved a debt ceiling crisis; and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, which addressed the impending "fiscal cliff". He was an exceptional halfback/wide receiver on the football team and [75][76] Present were his sons Beau (whose leg was still in traction from the automobile accident) and Hunter and other family members. This is democracy’s day. On November 7, 2020, four days after election day, Biden was declared as the 46th president-elect after winning Pennsylvania. [270], Biden was inaugurated to a second term on January 20, 2013, at a small ceremony at Number One Observatory Circle, his official residence, with Justice Sonia Sotomayor presiding (a public ceremony took place on January 21). [71][72][73][74], In January 1973, secretary of the Senate Francis R. Valeo swore Biden in at the Delaware Division of the Wilmington Medical Center. [170]:336 In particular, it changed the relationship between Biden and Obama. [15] The committee hearing was reopened and Hill testified, but Biden did not permit testimony from other witnesses, such as a woman who had made similar charges and experts on harassment,[130] saying he wanted to preserve Thomas's privacy and the hearings' decency. [184], Members of the Obama administration said Biden's role in the White House was to be a contrarian and force others to defend their positions. [236][237] He led the successful administration effort to gain Senate approval for the New START treaty. [235] Following big Republican gains in the elections and the departure of White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Biden's past relationships with Republicans in Congress became more important. He defeated the incumbent, Donald Trump, becoming the first candidate to defeat a sitting president since Bill Clinton defeated George H. W. Bush in 1992. Joe Biden championed the Iraq war. [33] With minimal campaign funds, he was given no chance of winning. Senator and current President Joe Biden and his first wife, Neilia.On December 18, 1972, Biden's mother and his 13-month-old sister Naomi were killed in an automobile accident while Christmas shopping. ", "Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden's Son", "Is Trump Trying to Get Ukraine to Take Out Biden for Him? [315][316] In 2019, Biden criticized Brunei for its intention to implement Islamic laws that would allow death by stoning for adultery and homosexuality, calling it "appalling and immoral" and saying, "There is no excuse—not culture, not tradition—for this kind of hate and inhumanity. [226], In late April 2009, Biden's off-message response to a question during the beginning of the swine flu outbreak, that he would advise family members against traveling on airplanes or subways, led to a swift retraction by the White House. His sister, Valerie Biden Owens, served as his campaign manager, and both of his parents campaigned daily. [310] In 2018, he gave a eulogy for Senator John McCain, praising McCain's embrace of American ideals and bipartisan friendships. [471], On May 15, 2016, the University of Notre Dame gave Biden the Laetare Medal, considered the highest honor for American Catholics. It includes discussion questions, conversation, and other activities about Joe Biden, politics, and elections. [223][224], Biden oversaw infrastructure spending from the Obama stimulus package intended to help counteract the ongoing recession, and stressed that only worthy projects should get funding. Joseph Robinette Biden Junior is a world-famous political figure of America. We've got to win in 2020.". [117], He made several false or exaggerated claims about his early life: that he had earned three degrees in college, that he had attended law school on a full scholarship, that he had graduated in the top half of his class,[118][119] and that he had marched in the civil rights movement. And his ability to understand himself and deal with other politicians has gotten much much better. He has that great Irish gift. [138], In 1999, during the Kosovo War, Biden supported the 1999 NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. During the first Democratic primary debate in late June, Biden again found his track record targeted when Kamala Harris took him to task for his opposition to busing as a means of integrating schools in the 1970s. [123][124] Rejecting the arguments of some Bork opponents,[15] Biden framed his objections to Bork in terms of the conflict between Bork's strong originalism and the view that the U.S. Constitution provides rights to liberty and privacy beyond those explicitly enumerated in its text. "[176] On June 11, 2010, Biden represented the United States at the opening ceremony of the World Cup, attended the England v. U.S. game, and visited Egypt, Kenya, and South Africa. [260][261][262] The Los Angeles Times wrote, "Most candidates give the same stump speech over and over, putting reporters if not the audience to sleep. Known for his opposition to Obama's successor, Donald Trump, he occasionally surfaced to criticize the 45th president. [358][359][360] Various people defended Biden, including a senator who issued a statement,[361] as well as Stephanie Carter, a woman whose photograph with Biden had gone viral, who described the photo as "misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends". His 2008 presidential campaign never gained momentum, but Democratic nominee Barack Obama selected him as his running mate, and Biden went on to serve two terms as the 47th vice president of the United States. "[300] On October 21, speaking from a podium in the Rose Garden with his wife and Obama by his side, Biden announced his decision not to run for president in 2016. He went on to say he was not sorry for anything he had ever done, which led critics to accuse him of sending a mixed message. I started my career fighting for civil rights, and to be a part of what is both a moment in American history where the best people, the best ideas, the how can I say it?—the single best reflection of the American people can be called upon—to be at that moment, with a guy who has such incredible talent and who is also a breakthrough figure in multiple ways—I genuinely find that exciting. The House of Representatives approved it later that day. [145] Biden eventually became a critic of the war and viewed his vote and role as a "mistake", but did not push for withdrawal. Of renewal and resolve. Senator Kamala Harris of California as his running mate, making her the first African American and first South Asian American vice-presidential nominee on a major-party ticket. [24][49] Neilia's station wagon was hit by a semi-trailer truck as she pulled out from an intersection. When he was young, his family moved to Wilmington, Delaware. Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report. "I have the great honor to announce that I’ve picked Kamala Harris — a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants — as my running mate," Biden said. [33] Corporate law, however, did not appeal to him, and criminal law did not pay well. [432] His program includes reentering the Paris Agreement, nature conservation, and green building. [283] As Iraq fell apart during 2014, renewed attention was paid to the Biden-Gelb Iraqi federalization plan of 2006, with some observers suggesting Biden had been right all along. [429][430], Biden believes action must be taken on global warming. [286] On December 8, 2015, Biden spoke in Ukraine's parliament in Kyiv[287] in one of his many visits to set U.S. aid and policy stance on Ukraine. But he rebounded with a resounding win in South Carolina at the end of the month, and continued his momentum by claiming the majority of delegates from Super Tuesday voting in early March, his surge driving most of his top competitors from the race. "I think we have some really good people. Some Missteps Still Resonate", "Biden Withdraws Bid for President in Wake of Furor", "Washington Talk: The Bork Hearings; For Biden: Epoch of Belief, Epoch of Incredulity", "Clarence Thomas: A Silent Justice Speaks Out: Part VI: Becoming a Judge—and perhaps a Justice", "Excerpt from Nina Totenberg's breaking National Public Radio report on Anita Hill's accusation of sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas", "Joe Biden Expresses Regret to Anita Hill, but She Says 'I'm Sorry' Is Not Enough", "How Biden Helped Create the Student Debt Problem He Now Promises to Fix", "Biden, an Amtrak Evangelist, Could Be a Lifeline for a Rail Agency in Crisis", "Joe Biden respected—if not always popular—for foreign policy record", "Meetings with Foreign Leaders? Before becoming Vice President, he was a U.S. "At their best the words of a president can inspire. The pair married in 1977, a little more than two years later. "No woman or man should announce they’re running for president unless they can answer two questions," he said. [135][136], Biden was a longtime member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He's also said that when he would come home sullen because he had been bullied by one of the bigger kids in the neighborhood, his mother would tell him, "Bloody their nose so you can walk down the street the next day!'". "Beau Biden was, quite simply, the finest man any of us have ever known," Biden wrote in a statement about his son. Meanwhile, a new issue surfaced in September 2019 with the revelation that President Trump had pressured the Ukrainian government into investigating Biden and his son Hunter. After leaving the vice presidency, Biden became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, while continuing to lead efforts to find treatments for cancer. ", In an interview with Al Sharpton the following spring, Biden said he hadn't ruled out running for president in 2020, though he still hadn't recovered enough from his son's death to devote himself to the effort. [182][183][184] Biden was officially nominated for vice president on August 27 by voice vote at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. [221] His January 2010 visit to Iraq in the midst of turmoil over banned candidates from the upcoming Iraqi parliamentary election resulted in 59 of the several hundred candidates being reinstated by the Iraqi government two days later. In his first visit to the State Department as president, Biden said "this war has to end" and that the conflict has created a "humanitarian and strategic catastrophe". At their worst, they can incite," he said. In 1987, having established himself as one of Washington's most prominent Democratic lawmakers, Biden decided to run for the U.S. presidency. His father, Joseph Biden Sr., worked cleaning furnaces and as a used car salesman. [185], Biden's vice-presidential campaigning gained little media visibility, as far greater press attention was focused on the Republican running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The results of a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll in June suggested that Democrats weren't ready to let Biden walk away just yet, as he topped the poll with 32 percent of participants naming him their favorite for the party's nomination in 2020. In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a short biography about politician and presidential candidate, Joe Biden. [308] In 2017 he wrote a memoir, Promise Me, Dad, and went on a book tour. He had served in the Senate longer than any other Vice President… The couple's daughter, Ashley, was born in 1981. [219] Biden visited Iraq about every two months,[146] becoming the administration's point man in delivering messages to Iraqi leadership about expected progress there. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was born on November 20, 1942, in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The act led to related developments, such as the White House Council on Women and Girls, begun in the first term, as well as the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, begun in January 2014 with Biden and Valerie Jarrett as co-chairs. He is a member of the Democratic Party and is from Wilmington, Delaware. By his third day, orders had included rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, ending the state of national emergency at the border with Mexico, directing the government to rejoin the World Health Organization, face mask requirements on federal property and measures to combat hunger in the United States. [251], In October 2010, Biden said Obama had asked him to remain as his running mate for the 2012 presidential election,[235] but with Obama's popularity on the decline, White House Chief of Staff William M. Daley conducted some secret polling and focus group research in late 2011 on the idea of replacing Biden on the ticket with Hillary Clinton. While serving as councilman, in 1971, Biden started his own law firm. Biography Traces Political Mistakes And Personal Scars That Shaped Joe Biden Evan Osnos talks about Joe Biden's enduring quest to become president. In 2015, Biden pressured the Ukrainian parliament to remove Shokin because the United States, the European Union and other international organizations considered Shokin corrupt and ineffective, and in particular because Shokin was not assertively investigating Burisma. [340][341] He performed better in the Nevada caucuses, reaching the 15% required for delegates, but still was behind Bernie Sanders by 21.6 percentage points. 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