lily potter death

[19] She was a responsible student and leader to be Head Girl in her final year at Hogwarts. Lilys Liebe zu Harry, ihrem einzigen Kind, war letzendlich so groß, dass sie ihr Leben für seines opferte. In the novels it is often mentioned that Lily had bright green eyes and that Harry had the same eyes. [37], Lily's maiden name was Evans. Im Jahr 1997-1998 sieht Harry seine Mutter als Kind und Jugendliche in Severus Snapes Erinnerungen. They were very proud to learn that Lily was a witch and apparently favoured her over her older sister Petunia. Envying her sister's abilities, Petunia wrote to Dumbledore, asking if she could attend Hogwarts with Lily. However, the headmaster kindly refused her petition. [13] Their son, Harry James Potter, was born on 31 July, 1980. Following the deaths of Lily and James at the hands of Voldemort, Snape decided to change sides and protect her son from the Death Eaters. [36] The flowers continue to be representative of purity and love in Europe. Lily's spirit was described as looking at Harry as if she couldn't do so enough, and Harry asked his mother to stay close to him as he approached the Death Eaters' camp and certain doom. Lily protecting her son Harry in her final moments. Harry, der von seiner Pflegefamilie höchstens Lügen über seine Eltern erfahren hat, begegnet erst seit seinem Eintritt in die Magische Welt wahren und echten Freunden. Lily Luna Potter(2007 oder 2008), ist das dritte Kind von Harry Potter und Ginny Potter, geb. This led to a parting of ways between Lily and Snape, as the former had already become dismayed by Snape's fascination with the Dark Arts and friendship with his Slytherin house-mates Mulciber and Avery, both of whom were aspiring Death Eaters. She was Sorted into Gryffindor House and was a member of the Slug Club. Most likely, she had also realised that Remus was a werewolf, but didn't care. Lily's relationship with James Potter was initially a volatile one. He named the fish Francis. It was Snape's continuing devotion to Lily, that made Dumbledore certain of his double agent's true loyalties. Nach der Schule trat Lily dem Orden des Phönix bei, um zusammen mit den anderen Mitgliedern dieser Vereinigung Widerstand gegen Lord Voldemort leisten zu können. Albus Dumbledore always maintained that the love his parents had for him (and in return Harry's love for them) was his greatest power. [17] He loyally reported what he had heard to his master, but became horrified when Voldemort came to believe that Lily's son was the subject of the prophecy. Lily attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971-1978. A memory Harry sees featuring Lily (in fifth year) standing up to James Potter, In her fifth year, Lily stood up for her then best friend, Severus Snape, when he was being bullied by James Potter. Both James and Lily told Harry that they were "so very proud of him" for his outstanding courage and strength, and assured him that they would stay with him until the very end. However, Lily became increasingly dismayed by Snape's friendships with people such as Avery and Mulciber, who disdained Muggle-borns and who practised the Dark Arts. Lily and James Potter served as crucial characters in the Harry Potter series even though they were killed before the events of the book series. This is purely a fanmade video, not for financial purposes. [41] J.K Rowling has also commented that she has liked this name since childhood, due to a relationship with two friends who were named Ian and Vikki Potter. During her time at Hogwarts, Lily demonstrated extraordinary talent in potions, becoming one of Potions Master Horace Slughorn's "all-time favourites" and a member of his Slug Club. The rebounded curse destroyed the Dark Lord's body and temporarily defeated him. By: Marosie. Lily's initially negative opinion of James is not shown in the films, and the purely strong and close romantic attraction between them seemed to develop much sooner. Lily met Sirius Black on the Hogwarts Express at the same time she met James. Their relationship seems to have deteriorated greatly and become distant afterward, especially after they dated and eventually married very different men. Head Girl Es gäbe "hunderte ... nein tausende, die so wären wie sie", denn er ist auch ein Zauberer. Letzten Endes erwiderte Lily James' Gefühle und verliebte sich in ihn. Lily und James wurden beide ermordet, als sie ihren Sohn Harry schützen wollten. Schon einige Zeit bevor Lily und ihr Mann getötet werden, bemerken sie, dass jemand aus ihrem engsten Freundeskreis sie bespitzelt. Ihr Zauberstab war aus Weidenholz gefertigt und besonders gut für Zauberkunst geeignet. Potter is a very common surname of English origin. She appeared along with James, Sirius, and Remus. Harry was taken from Godric's Hollow by Rubeus Hagrid to be raised by Petunia. She is two years younger than her brother Albus Severus, making her around nine, and is close in age to her cousin Hugo. Dennoch wurden Lily und Snape beste Freunde und warteten sehnsüchtig darauf, nach Hogwarts zu gelangen. At the age of nine, Lily became friends with Severus Snape, who lived down in Spinner's End, which was within walking distance of the Evans' house. They shared an intimate relationship; Harry regarded Sirius as a mixture of friend and older brother, and Sirius viewed Harry as an exceptionally brave and matured adult with rights to knowing difficult truths, fully capable of shouldering burdens that many wizards much older and wiser than he could not. On Hallowe'en in 1981 they sacrificed themselves at 21 years old in order to save him from when he was just an infant. "I always assumed he kept my trust fund secret to protect it from the Dursleys" said Harry. During his first year at Hogwarts, he happened to stumble upon the Mirror of Erised. He added the first two ingredients: his hand and Harry's blood, as Voldemort believed it would make him stronger and make his enemy touchable. Widowed (briefly) [3], Harry temporarily brings back his family and friends with the Resurrection Stone, Finally, during the Battle of Hogwarts, when Harry believed himself to be walking to his own death, he used the Resurrection Stone to bring back the spirits of Lily, James Potter, Sirius, and Remus. Lily's magical abilities and friendship with Severus caused problems between the Evans sisters. Harry began to question how his mother even came to marry James when she clearly despised him for acting in such a way, though Remus and Sirius later assured Harry that his father had changed his ways, having matured enough to become Head Boy and eventually win Lily over. The few times Harry ever saw his parents were in pictures given to him by Rubeus Hagrid, through a vision within the Mirror of Erised, as spectral forms which came out of Voldemort's wand during Priori Incantatem, as stored memories within the Pensieve, and again as spectral forms when he "recalled" them during the Battle of Hogwarts, by using the Resurrection Stone. Despite the bitterness on Petunia's end, the two sisters appeared to still be in contact when Harry was an infant, was said to have "smashed a horrible vase Petunia sent [Lily] for Christmas". What if that was enough to make her switch sides? At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. In the films it is often remarked that Harry has his mother's eyes, but it is never stated what colour they are. [24][25], The echoes of James and Lily Potter after being awakened by Priori Incantatem, In Harry's fourth year, Wormtail had placed Voldemort's rudimentary body into a cauldron containing the nearly finished potion. [20], Since even Lord Voldemort was willing to overlook Lily's Muggle-born status and ask her to join him, this is proof that she was a truly powerful and accomplished witch. Da zum Zeitpunkt von Lilys Ermordung ihre Eltern bereits verstorben sind, muss Lilys Magie-hassende Schwester Petunia Harry in ihre Familie aufnehmen, und wird dadurch in die Geschehnisse in der Magischen Welt verstrickt. [29] Remus Lupin once described her as an uncommonly kind person with a habit of seeing the best in others, even when they could not see it themselves.[30]. Everybody thought Peter Pettigrew was killed by Sirius Black just hours after the deaths of James and Lily Potter. Ihr Zauberstab war aus Weidenholz gefertigt und besonders gut für Zauberkunst geeignet. Es ist möglich, dass Luna ihre Patentante ist. When Lily began demonstrating magical ability, Petunia was "torn between curiosity and disapproval". [14], James and Lily Potter's in 1979 shortly after they got married. Auch während der Schulzeit in Hogwarts waren die beiden Kinder Freunde, obwohl Snape im Haus Slytherin und Lily in Gryffindor lebte. However, he showed no concern for the life of her son or husband. Zudem war Lily loyal und liebte ihre Familie und Freunde mehr als alles andere auf der Welt. The two became friends when he started telling her about the wizarding world, being excited of attending Hogwarts together. He eventually became Harry's mentor, often telling Harry of the love and goodness of his parents and continually insisting that Harry's love for his parents was his greatest strength and a source of incredible power — "the power the Dark Lord knows not". She has two older brothers: James Sirius and Albus Severus. Died Hair colour Einziger Überlebender war der kleine Harry. Starting in 1981, when Harry was just one year old, his parents, James and Lily, were murdered by the most powerful Dark Wizard, Lord Voldemort (subsequently called "You-Know-Who" and "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" by those too superstitious to use his actual name). Born Lily war es zuwider, dass James und seine drei Freunde Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black und Remus Lupin ihren Mitschüler Severus Snape immer wieder aufs Neue demütigten und quälten. It is first mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, the Potter family had many members that fit that description. Lily was a beautiful woman with thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders, and almond-shaped, bright green eyes. Bathilda was the only one to join the Potters during Harry's birthday tea when he turned one year old, doting her son. [8] Potter (née Evans) (30 January,[1] 1960 – 31 October, 1981) was an English Muggle-born[3] witch, the younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Evans, and the younger sister of Petunia Evans. Lily had a happy home life and a close relationship with her parents. On 31 July, 1980, Lily and James' first and only child, Harry, was born. It seems that, by that time, James had "deflated his head a bit" and "stopped hexing people for the fun of it". It is implied that such bullying had happened more than once. Lily und Snape waren seit ihrem zehnten Lebensjahr befreundet. Magical characteristics Around the same time,[15] Sybill Trelawney made a prophecy in front of Albus Dumbledore, predicting that "the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches" and would be "born to those who have thrice defied him". There were muggles who appeared to see Wormtail get blown into a million pieces as well, subjecting Sirius to years in Azkaban prison as a result. From a distance, it appears as an obelisk, carved with the names of people who died in a war. Die Frage vieler Fans, was James und Lily beruflich getan haben, beantwortet die Autorin erst in einem Interview im Oktober 07: Die beiden konnten nach ihrem Schulabschluss von James' ererbtem Vermögen leben und ausschließlich als Widerstandskämpfer arbeiten, siehe. She became quite skilled at Potions, attracting the attention of Professor Horace Slughorn, who made her a member of his Slug Club for the students that he considered talented and possibly succesful in the future. Female However, during their later school years, they might have become good friends. However, Snape lashed out at her in his humiliation, calling her a "filthy Mudblood. [10], Lily with other members of the Slug Club towards the end of her education, During their seventh year, James matured somewhat, proving himself to be responsible and brave. What if she was set free the moment James died? 10¼", Willow, unknown core[6] Ihr Zweitname Luna stammt von Luna Lovegood, einer guten Freundin ihrer Eltern. Lily Potter Birthday and Date of Death Lily Potter was born on January 25, 1960 and died on October 31, 1981. The memorial is a statue at the centre of the village square in Godric's Hollow. [10] It is not known whether he asked her out more than once. Sie hatte ein hübsches, freundliches Gesicht und dichtes dunkelrotes Haar, welches ihr auf die Schultern fiel. Nutzung von Community-Inhalten gemäß. Sie lebten nur einige Straßen voneinander entfernt und Snape war schon damals verliebt in Lily gewesen. [4], Many years after Lily died, her son married Ginevra Weasley and fathered three children. [10] However, it is implied that James still had the desire to bully Snape, but was willing to stop actually doing it for Lily's sake. What if it was a love potion? Albus Dumbledore kann diesen Schutz magisch so erweitern, dass Harry bei Lilys Blutsverwandten sicher ist, bis er das Volljährigkeitsalter erreicht. The letter was later found by Lily and Severus. [35] Her death haunted him for many years. Lily with Peter in a photo of the original Order of the Phoenix, Despite Peter Pettigrew's cowardly nature, Lily became more friendly with him as she warmed to James, even affectionately referring to Peter as "Wormy," from his nickname "Wormtail." Januar[1] 1960, Cokeworth [2], England, 31. Sirius was deeply devastated for his friends' death; attacking Peter and attempted to kill him. [22] Also at the end of Harry's first year, Hagrid gave him a photo album filled with pictures of his family and of himself as an infant. Am Ende seines ersten Schuljahrs bekommt Harry von Hagrid ein Fotoalbum mit beweglichen Zauberfotos seiner Eltern geschenkt. Diese Enttäuschung setzte Petunia sehr zu und belastete auch das Verhältnis zu ihrer kleinen Schwester. When Dumbledore casted a Fidelius Charm to hide the Potter family from Voldemort, the couple originally wanted to make Sirius their Secret Keeper, knowing he could be completely and utterly trustworthy. When she realised Snape's devotion to Voldemort's genocidal cause (of which she was a target at the time) and increasingly deep fascination with the Dark Arts, caused her to end her friendship with him permanently. The Potter memorial was also erected in the aftermath of Voldemort's attack. After Hogwarts, Lily married James. Harry described their very presence as his courage, the reason he was able to keep putting one foot in front of the other, with Lily smiling at him and James nodding encouragingly. Eye colour It was noted by Dumbledore that Lily was very much like her son, especially in strength. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When she later asked him if he still intended to become a Death Eater and he did not deny it, she severed all ties with him. Sie war die jüngste Tochter der Muggelfamilie Evans, die Ehefrau des Zauberers James Potter und Mutter von Harry James Potter. Sie und ihr Mann wurden von ihrem langjährigen Freund Peter Pettigrew an Voldemort verraten, nachdem sie aufgrund der ersten Prophezeiung untertauchen mussten. James was murdered before Lily and Harry could escape the cottage. However, this action also bound Harry's life to Voldemort again but inversely: Harry couldn't die as long as Voldemort still lived, which ironically meant he couldn't kill the boy. There is no evidence to suggest that Lily reciprocated the romantic feelings felt by Snape, but she was best friends with him. Albus Dumbledore was Lily's Headmaster when she was a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Lily war die Lieblingsschülerin des Zaubertrankprofessors Horace Slughorn, denn sie besaß ein intuitives Gespür für Zaubertrankbrauerei. At the age of eleven, Lily started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she was Sorted into Gryffindor house. After Voldemort found and killed the Potters, McGonagall was devastated to learn of Lily and James' death, to which she actually broke down into tears. Human Bathilda even spoke to the younger woman on the closeness between Grindelwald and Dumbledore, though Lily remained somewhat sceptical given the strange statement and Bathilda's possible senility. As a child, Lily Evans was alienated from her friends upon the emergence from her magic powers. This could be that she is seen with Harry in the mirror at the age she would be at the time, had she been alive (31), though this doesn't make sense as she still appears to be older than 21 in memory-flashbacks, photographs and during the Priori Incantatem scene. *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. Lily hatte vermutlich gewusst, dass Snape in sie verliebt war, und möglicherweise hätte sie diese Gefühle auch im Inneren erwidert oder zumindest erwidern können, doch nach diesem Ereignis war alles davon verschwunden und sie legte ihm gegenüber eine abweisende, kalte Haltung an den Tag und verachtete ihn ebenso sehr wie einst James Potter. "Evans" is a Welsh or English surname derived from the given name "Evan"[38]. James's best friend, Sirius Black, later commented that James couldn't resist showing off and making a fool of himself whenever she was around. Her death is one of the foundational events of the Harry Potter series; all we can observe are the effects of Lily's legacy (Harry's green eyes keep coming up, for example). James told Lily to take Harry and leave while he held him off, although he and his wife were wandless and thus couldn't defend themselves. Zwar meist nur zufällig und unvollkommen, doch immerhin seltsame Dinge. [3], By Lily's fifth year, James had developed a crush on her, but she didn't reciprocate, calling him an "arrogant toerag" because he bullied other students, particularly her former best friend. Severus Snape lived near the Evans family when he was a child and soon began spying on Lily after he noticed that she was a witch. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Attack on Godric's Hollow (1981) participants, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film), Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (video game), 30 July 2007 Bloomsbury Live Chat with J.K. Rowling, Writing by J.K. Rowling: "Vernon and Petunia Dursley", 19 October 2007 J.K. Rowling at Carnegie Hall, J. K. Rowling interview on PotterCast #130, J.K. Rowling at the 2004 Edinburgh Book Festival, "The Leaky Cauldron and Mugglenet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part Three", J K Rowling at the Edinburgh Book Festival, A Conversation with J.K.Rowling & Daniel Radcliffe 25:00,, "The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part One",, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Articles with information from Wizarding World, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film), Articles with information from Pottermore, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Articles with information from Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Articles with information from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Lily is portrayed by British actress Annabel Baldwin (alternating the role of Moaning Myrtle as well) in the original West End production of, In the Harry Potter novels, Lily is mentioned to have died aged twenty-one, yet in the films she appears much older. When her youngest grandson, Albus, time-traveled to the day before her death he noticed the love in which she placed the blanket over her son and that she clearly treasured and loved her son deeply. So it's most likely that just like. Lily's relationship with Remus Lupin is not known in the books, although they are portrayed as friends in movies. Ihre Eltern waren sehr stolz auf ihre Tochter und das führte dazu, dass sich Petunia ihrer Schwester gegenüber immer benachteiligt fühlte, da Lily etwas Besonderes war. Of course, Lily Potter (or Lily Evans, as she was before she got married) has never actually appeared in the Harry Potter series. In turn, Snape was quite insulting to Petunia for being a Muggle. James and Lily were the parents of Harry, the central figure of the books developed by author J.K. Rowling. Petunia also grudgingly took her sister's son, Harry in, at Dumbledore's request, after Lily's death. Community content is available under. Harry was left unscathed, except for a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead. During Lily's years at Hogwarts, Dumbledore became very fond of her, seeing her as a talented witch with a pure, kind heart, and eventually appointing her Head Girl. Lily was known for being a vivacious, talented, and popular student. In a. Lily and her daughter-in-law Ginny also are very very similar to each other. When James and Lily went into hiding from Lord Voldemort, the couple trusted Peter enough to make him their Secret Keeper, though only at Sirius' suggestion to use someone less obvious than himself for the role. Marital status Also in the films, Harry has blue eyes and young Lily has brown eyes. Später heiratete sie ihren Mitschüler James Potter und das Paar bekam seinen Sohn Harry. Im Jahr 1997-1998 holt Harry die Erinnerungsgestalt seiner Mutter mit dem Stein der Auferstehung an seine Seite. Muggle-born[3] When Lily was invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Petunia wrote to the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, requesting that she be permitted to do the same. Sie hatte klare Prinzipien und verabscheute schwarze Magie, was auch der Grund war, weshalb sie die Freundschaft mit Severus Snape beendete. She and James were betrayed by Pettigrew and thus both were murdered by Voldemort on Hallowe'en night in 1981, while trying to protect their son. Lily Potter, played by Geraldine Somerville, Lily as she appears in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows chapter art, illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Lily Evans in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, Lily Potter (with a baby Harry Potter) in LEGO form, Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone Voldemort, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Resurrection Stone Scene HD, The Harry Potter Wiki has 135 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Both James and Lily told Harry that they were tremendously proud of him for being so brave and strong despite all the pain and suffering he had endured, and gave him the support he needed to sacrifice himself to Voldemort. [3], Severus was the first person to tell Lily that she was a witch, and he went on to teach Lily a great deal about the wizarding world while the two eagerly awaited the time when they could attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry together. Beide sind im ersten Orden des Phönix aktiv und können drei Angriffen Voldemorts knapp entkommen. Sie entfremdete sich immer mehr von ihm und stritt sich auch häufiger über die Wahl seiner Freunde und seine rassistischen Taten; allerdings reichte es Lily endgültig, als Snape sie unbeherrscht ein Schlammblut nannte, kurz nachdem James Potter und Sirius Black ihn vor versammelter Menge lächerlich gemacht hatten und Lily dazwischen gegangen war, um das zu beenden. She found kinship with Professor Snape, who quickly became her best friend. Snape aber hörte nie auf, Lily zu lieben und trat später den Todessern bei, während er mit gebrochenem Herzen zusehen musste wie sie mit James zusammenkam und ihn heiratete. Lily war eine Schönheit. Dumbledore suggested they use a Secret Keeper by enacting a Fidelius Charm, and he gave an offer to be their Secret Keeper.James declined because he wanted Sirius, who persuaded Jame… Although his refusal was kind, Petunia became very bitter and jealously deemed her sister a "freak",[20] even saying that their separation would be better for her safety. When he realised that it was Harry who Voldemort had fixated on as his enemy mentioned in the Prophecy, Snape begged him to spare Lily's life. Physical information Lily hasste schwarze Magie und wollte gegen Voldemort und seine Todesser kämpfen, was auch der Grund war, warum sie Snapes Entschuldigung nicht annahm und jeden Kontakt mit ihm abbrach, obwohl er verzweifelt versuchte, alles wieder hinzubiegen. Um nicht sofort entdeckt zu werden, setzten die beiden den Fidelius-Zauber ein. Title(s) Lily initially had a close relationship with Petunia, whom she often played with. In den Sommerferien vor Beginn seines fünften Schuljahrs zeigt Moody Harry ein altes Foto aller Mitglieder des ersten Orden des Phönix. Slughorn even stated, "I don't imagine anyone who met her wouldn't have liked her...very brave...very funny...", though he was surprised by her Muggle lineage. Lily J. Potter (née Evans) (30 January 1960 - 31 October 1981, aged 21) was a Muggle-born witch from the Harry Potter series. Shades of his mother and father, and others whom Voldemort had murdered came out of Voldemort's wand, encouraging Harry and distracting Voldemort so the younger wizard could escape from the graveyard. Lily sent him at least one letter written in a cheerfully tone and a photograph of her family during her time in hiding. Her surname was inspired by a famous writer Mary Ann Evans, who wrote under pseudonym George Eliot.[40].

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