pluto conjunct ascendant natal

So that’s how this has affected me so far. “Recover from trauma and regain your self-esteem.” I don’t feel like I’ve lost self-esteem. Squares my natal Chiron at 23 Aries. (Venus ), This does not mean it’s bad. I think this is coming from the deep nature of Pluto more than a 12th house influence. 1991. You will then enjoy the intensity of love and affection of partners and good friends. Such a passion, and with no jealousy, although I had every reason. A public figure maybe?  Someone of something with status. It does not take very long for you to fall deeply in love and form a powerful union. Too much home confinement during the pandemic! Negative manifestation can also result in self-abuse through drugs or other forms of self-harm. My strategy to overcome it was “you either raise your head and love your self or die”. Pluto conjunct Ascendant transit represents a couple of years of intense soul-searching. Pluto is in the 10th house of authority squaring the Ascendant-Descendant intent on wrestling back control. The pluto-venus-transit was so strong, I must say I was living a dream, and waking up is the hard part. Yikes? You should find it easier than most to attract a partner because of your powerful level of attraction, both emotional and sexual. And thanks for posting the ‘how to find your house’. If in a healthy and happy relationship, then this transit can lead to intense sexual experiences if the other half is keen. Best to read the comments on that link because I don’t have this transit until 2018. This is all going to oppose my natal Black Moon Lilith in the 10th House. Thankyou for the insight Jamie . I like Libra Noir’s suggestion of death = transformation. So I would say that in December 2017 it was more related to home/money/love and in August 2018 it was more home/ power. Well Pluto on your Ascendant is a major deal, a complete stripping down and rebuilding. Other behaviors to beware of, not just in you but in others, are possessiveness and jealousy. RE: GME GameStop Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius. Poverty, sadomasochism or sexual abuse and rape would be extreme examples. My brother in law is now responsible for Dad’s care. Spent 2 years in therapy and medications to overcome depression which resulted from psychological (moon) hell, but still working on my ways to overcome this 100%. If you post your chart in the forum along with your question and someone will help. Required fields are marked *. She had Pluto opposite uranus in her 8th house with a Mars square uranus several days earlier. The therapist mentioned that I seem to be doing better and I feel like I am. Don’t want to repeat myself. Thanks a lot!!! Pluto on the ascendant or within 5 – 10 degrees of an angle brings the god of the underworld’s energies out very strongly in the individual’s lives. with the fried conjunction, so just to add my part: I heard what I wanted, not what was really said. Self-confidence, popularity, wealth and healthy relationships are the results of a positive transformation, or the blessing of other helpful aspects and fixed stars. I feel for you. Please tell me this is not a bad thing? ” why did you kill these women ? Well, we shall see. I found your post very interesting as I am trying to understand the interaction on of Pluto and Venus. I found my comments and I must say that looking back to previous hits to my chart (Pluto transit in opposition to my Venus) I can say that it has really been focused on housing matters. Maybe we try to flee outside of the city before the 12th. I’m doing well. I just hope that the Pluto transit square MC and IC would at the end help me to pu things in place and finally open doors professionally now that I will have Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Venus and soon the Sun in Capricorn. I have a trine with Venus and the Sun (10th H) in Pluto (2nd. So this is going to be interesting. Updating on January 12th – how do you feel heading into this?  I feel invigorated and empowered! This is why Venus is exalted in Pisces , because love is a spiritual thing.It gets messed up when you use it to barter for some material gain.♍. I have this concentration in my 4th House. My natal sun 22 Cap, will this be the death of me too? Get off to a good start. My older Brother died Jan 2019. You’d think I’m doomed in relationships. In both cases, openly giving love and affection without catches is the key to satisfaction. Try again. This will be the second hit of Pluto to my natal Venus so should I have something similar from the first one or would the fact of Venus and Sun transit conjunct Pluto transit bring something different? Now I am doing my best to get ready for the second hit of Pluto squaring my MC and IC although this time Venus is also square my MC and IC (22.12 Aries and Libra) so I guess something more will happen as Veus rules my IC and my IC is also conjunct natal Pluto (19.56). It falls in my 12th house and my goal is to let go and let God guide me through these times. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Full Moon February 27, 2021 – Rule Change, Mercury Retrograde January 30, 2021 – Damocles Syndrome, Full Moon January 28, 2021 – Anger Management. Life altering experience that I still am not quite over. I think it would be VERY helpful, for those of us learning Astrology little by little and not only, to write how long are transits in effect. We set intentions under new moons. This Friday, Feb. 5th, transiting Venus and Pluto will conjunct at that degree, and the transiting moon too on Saturday with transiting mercury already there. (They have to bring my BP down first.) Hi Jamie, Problems will arise if you consciously misuse your increased pulling power. As Elsa said, “Someone or something significant dies. The romance lasted about three years, the transit only one. I am hoping its good involvement!! This may include a degree of bondage, probing or pain. I don’t know , I guess it will fall in my 4th house . Someone or something with status.”. If single, instant attraction could lead to a profound and karmic relationship. Right then I met somebody through a tinder-like app and fell madly in love. As for me, the planets conjoin my Jupiter at 24 Cap in the 4th house. So not to alarm everyone. The new moon will be/ is conjunct my natal Mars in the 2nd house…hope I start making some serious money. The further out a planet is the longer it lasts, as a rule of thumb. Staying positive and you advice on that is excellent too. I’m not trying to be morose or dramatic. The first hit was related to a bully and a landlord trying to get their way in an illegal way. hi, i have almost all thrse things you talk about. So I’m just telling you how this looks to me. I love the 12th house. Agena causing rarsh relationships to women is totally true. I’m also hoping some inheritance (8H) flowing my way so I can stay in my current home (4H) Blessings to all as we go through this xx, I generally don’t like to bring up politics on this site, but it’s expected that the president will be impeached as the new moon and Pluto oppose his Saturn at 23 Cancer. Maja, that was my first thought. Jupiter is involved here but jeez. What “structures” are you specifically talking about??? I think you will notice!  If you don’t know how to find the house where the new moon falls, you can learn how here – Where Does The New Or Full Moon Fall..? There may also be a tendency to fall for negative or dangerous types of people like criminals and heavy drug users. You may have caught in the news about the absurd number of kids who kill themselves due to bullying in school. I just don’t think I can take anything close to a repeat of what happened last January… -_-, Oh no, we Are having earthquake after earthquake in Croatia and I can not take it anymore. But after reading about the clash between Saturn and Uranus this year, I’m no longer optimistic that this will stop anytime soon. I was reading again your post as this aspect would hit my chart again. This one is hitting my DC and squaring my natal mars. I am free, and yes it was tough as fuck, but it all falls off you in the end and this world is a stunning place to be alive in. Sign up for newsletter – Heads Up From Elsa. Venus sextile Pluto or Venus trine Pluto: *You love deeply, passionately, and wholeheartedly, and others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or threatening. Consolidate losses and gains. The new moon hits my chart so hard, I can see it being the death of me. Gary Ridgeway ( the Green River serial killer) had Venus opposition his natal Pluto .He was asked in a bio pic. X. I have a work and an a boyfriend, but I´m not satisfied with them. This easy going approach I have to relationships is what I consider to be why I could manage them so well. I have had the big guys through the 12th for donkeys and still got 12th house son mars mercury mc by progression for YEARS. On the other side, this conjunction is in my 11th house, Saturn in 3rd, Moon in 5th. Though, my Venus is in combustion with the Sun. They sure bring lots of sorrow. The variability in the expression of love with this conjunction is due in large part to how you love yourself. America is moving towards its Pluto return in 2022 so along with progressed Pluto anaretic – all the themes of the Lord of the Underworld are front and centre. The New Moon hides your light, so, close your eyes and navigate by the senses and instincts. If other factors in your chart point to low self-esteem or negative moods, then Venus conjunct Pluto can lead to a lack of self-love and destructive relationships. Many people born in the same period have Pluto in the same sign. or would the conjunction make it more related to oher things? Our charts are similar and it falls in my 12th house opposite my Natal 22 degree Cancer sun/cancer Leo stellium. So how will it affect with venus conjunct pluto in capricorn for a sun sign Scorpio on the 25. In fact around August 24 2018 I had to strongly defend myself and I managed to get the help of authorities. Falls in my 8th but sextile my MC and Saturn in Pisces ♓️ hope no deaths my dad hasn’t been to good but Uranus is square my moon in 8th so worried more for my mum. Be prepared THINGS WILL HAPPEN haha) and Saturn was transiting my MC (2008-2010). It’s 3rd house though… I hope it’s a fresh start in the new moon but all that Saturn Pluto in the house of my natal full moon t-square Neptune is scary. In my 1st house conjunct my Moon, 24 degrees and 45 minutes. Since we broke up seven years ago I have only met him once but for the past 5 years we have had absolutely no contact. Cross fingers, it all comes to an end without accident or cruelty involved. I’ve had enough of that! It does look like quite a pile up though for the whole planet! So my question is: can a star “steal” the spotlight of aspects? You are charismatic and can have a powerful emotional influence on others, especially [on potential romantic partners]. It varies. This massive focus on the 12th actually is freeing me from anything that is not me. I’ve wondered if the desire to die is really just a desire to transform? Also squaring my Scorpio Pluto and Taurus Moon. Can it overshadow this t-square? My moon in Libra with other planets are squared to venus in Capricorn at birth. Thanks, Elsa. Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Transit. Like this one happening January 9th – I’m sure it will not matter only that exact date and time… so how long after can we expect to be influenced by it!? Hi again Betinix, I don’t use houses and I think you have enough information anyway without confusing things further. My older Brother died Jan 2019. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! You mention the potential implication in terms of relationships but I was wondering what could be the situation from a financial/business point of view. It does not have to be negative as shown in Pluto conjunct Ascendant transit, and Venus will soften things and place a greater focus on relationships, but also how you love yourself when looking in the mirror. Something related to the personality and hidden relationships can come to light? You want to experience companionship at a deeper, more intense level. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Not even uranus transit conjuct venus was much of anything!? I’ve already been in a process of severing some bonds (Pluto in my 7th). Thanks! Also, because since I'm in the middle of it all, I feel that a description would be off-base. It will fall in my 10th house. Aspects will flavor the influence of a fixed star, not the other way around. Eliminating negative associations and behaviors is important for your development. Someone or something significant dies. You will prefer friends and lovers who take relationships seriously like yourself. But it has been difficult to know how to live my life since then, it is all scattered. Because the ego and the mind are aligned, people with Sun conjunct Mercury possess much mental energy. I have been around a lot of (sudden) death lately. Don’t believe in anything but the love I feel and see in the world and that everything required of me is in front of me, so I do it. Do you think that enjoyment (5th) from friends and groups (11th) is easy or they’re blocked, misinterpreted by gossip or jealousy from the 3rd house? Here are some ideas based on the house in your chart where the new moon falls. Great! It was quite a draining time. Thanks. Venus and Pluto is meeting up in the 12th house, and during the last couple of days, I have been able to release some complicated issues regarding past relationships, involving (some sort of) forgiveness and healing of deep sorrow connected to past actions which has created bitterness and blindness. In my 8th and conjunct My natal Saturn Feeling stressed and want to hide behind the sofa But won’t 🥲. I explained in my newsletter. Look at it! All I am doing is acknowledging the potency of this. That would make the death blood flow like crazy. Much better to have a healthy ego and be called arrogant than be depressed. Sent 3 times a week. Where does the new moon fall in your chart?  How will you channel this energy? This falls in my 12th, trine my natal moon and sextile Venus. Venus conjunct Pluto transit dramatically increases your need for love and affection. Venus conjunct Pluto natal creates an intense love nature. It does not have to be negative as shown in Pluto conjunct Ascendant transit, and Venus will soften things and place a greater focus on relationships, but also how you love yourself when looking in the mirror. The moment I started to imagine myself on a pedestal and a crown on my head things changed. And in my solar return Pluto is exact at 23 degrees. I’m worried he’ll be cheating on me … I’m expecting pain. Interestingly, it was the time I needed my mom (moon) the most and she turned her back to me. Home  /  Aspects  /  Venus Aspects  /  Venus Conjunct Pluto. It’s obvious and in the land of that which cannot be denied! She was caring for my 90 yo father. Jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation and even crime may result in disgrace and embarrassment. Sticking close to home. And the white male regains his position as lord and master. Just not another earthquake, I also can’t take it anymore. What this causes in my chart is a bunch of paradoxes, luck and sorrow. 26 cap rising. I’ve gone through very smooth sailing relationships, peaceful, zero drama even when it came to endings. Again. Well Pluto on your Ascendant is a major deal, a complete stripping down and rebuilding. This is just what comes to mind. The thing is, not the whole world is affected by earthquakes so I don’t know which date to take for Croatia, what Would be the chart for our country? Maybe it’s the death of democracy. PS, that's his ninja headband, hanging on the cat poste... @libra-noir agree wholeheartedly with this - I have thi... RE: Wondering how common sun sign pairs are because you like a certain someone of a sign. Much love guys, don’t fear a thing, you have all you need within and around you. This new moon, combined with the Pluto transit of key planets in my chart, has brought dopplegangers from the past back into my life, not necessarily in a welcome way, all within a day or two…Quite amazing! Sun conjunct Mercury. Or they just want to play a little. (That description of Venus conj. Thank you ! Will conjunction of pluto and venus be trine with my venus??? The New moon is on my Birthday! I don´t really miss him, since it feels I don´t know him anymore. Oh gosh, not again… I had the Pluto-Saturn conjunction conjunct my natal Saturn last January, and now this new moon (with Pluto) is going to be conjunct my natal Saturn, trine my Moon. I hope this is more fun than death related. I had saturn trine venus this year and it only lasted a week or so, and it will not come back. This stuff is no joke to me and the people near me, that’s for sure. What do you make of this conjunction on a badly aspected moon? Love can be transactual with this or contractual. Natal aspects to your AC will have a big influence. This has been a “funky” transit for me i must admit. I was trying to clean this thread up for you... Shop Compatibility ReportsMidara’s Relationship Review, Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report – 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report – Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. Facing your fear, well. I hope the outcome is not as bad as you portend. I would go with 25. Merry Christmas Jaime! 6. Venus transiting is at 3 degrees orb from my natal Pluto ( which natally makes a square to natal venus), My IC is at 22.12 and my solar return within 6 days, so I am trying to understand how this will play. Wise counsel. It falls in my 1st house. With positive self-esteem and self-love come the positive manifestations of this conjunction. It may be that fate sees you visit the darkness for you regenerate like a butterfly from the cocoon. Out of curiosity how this Sun and Venus conjunct Pluto plays if it also square natal Sun (2 degrees orb)? I remember reading somewhere we have a strong capricorn in our chart. It TOTALLY resonates to what you said about self-esteem. Your email address will not be published. I have this conjunction 24º Venus and 25º Pluto in Scorpio. Appropriate. I can see the bad outcomes of this t-square in various aspects of life, but not in relationships, and it’s a Venusian star. Won’t worry☺️. I never write like this but I can’t help it. To men, it’s the opposite). Men Who Get Women To Reject Them To Avoid Her Wrath, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates, Get updates in digest form (3 emails per week). My sister died on Dec 26th, 2020. Fixed stars are actually a stronger influence than aspect I believe. I rather be by myself, than “fall” -again- with this plutonian Menschen. @Elsa I’ll keep you in my prayers. Also, my natal moon in Virgo is at 23 degrees–please help me understand any impacts. As for the individual, all those planets are likely to be contained in just one house in your chart. Thanks for this, Elsa! please just, for your own sake, change cocoon to chrysalis.

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