skype for business online powershell commands

The Security & Compliance Center cmdlet references are in the Reference section of the Security & Compliance PowerShell documentation. In fact, in some cases, it may be a necessity. You can do it without installing MBSA (but will need cabs and mbsacli.exe wusscan.dll copied to c:lyncraasmbsa). And to view all … Set-CsOAuthConfiguration -ClientAdalAuthOverride Allowed 3. Filed Under: Office 365, PowerShell, SfB Tagged With: click Accessories, click All Programs, click Windows PowerShell, Get-CsTenant, Online meetings and conferences, or Windows Server 2012 R2 do the following: Click Start, Powershell Skype for Business Reports, Skype for Business reports, To create a remote connection to Skype for Business Online, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows … The resulting value will be in the following format: OU=,OU=OCS Tenants,DC=lyncXX001,DC=local. Configure a Skype for Business Online (formerly Lync Online) client profile for a federated user account, and then sign in to the account by using local Active Directory credentials. Prerequisites You need to be a Global Administrator in the Office 365 Tenant, or at the least be assigned to the Skype for Business administrator role. You need to be using a 64-bit… (nbtns) and ! (llmnr) and ! EXEC sp_addrolemember ‘db_owner’, ‘labsvc_skype’; Test-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn (Get-CSService -UserDatabase).PoolFqdn | Select-Object DatabaseName,Installed*,Expected*, Install-CSDatabase -Update -CentralManagementDatabase -SqlServerFqdn lab1-1-fe1 -SqlInstanceName rtc, #on paired standard edition server that is backup cms, install-csdatabase -clean -CentralManagementDatabase -SqlServerFqdn lab1-1-fe1 -SqlInstanceName rtc, Install-CSDatabase -Update -LocalInstance -ForDefaultInstance, sip:#100;;user=phone, sefautil / /disablefwdimmediate, sefautil / /disablesimulring, Get-CsService -ConferencingServer | ForEach-Object {Set-CsConferenceServer -Identity $_.Identity -AppSharingPortStart 41000 -AppSharingPortCount 500 -AudioPortStart 40000 -AudioPortCount 500 –, Get-CsService -ApplicationServer | ForEach-Object {Set-CsApplicationServer -Identity $_.Identity -AppSharingPortStart 42000 -AppSharingPortCount 1000 -AudioPortStart 40000 -AudioPortCount 1000 -VideoPortStart 41000 -VideoPortCount 1000, Get-CsService -MediationServer | ForEach-Object {Set-CsMediationServer -Identity $_.Identity -AppSharingPortStart 42000 -AppSharingPortCount 1000 -AudioPortStart 40000 -AudioPortCount 1000 -VideoPortStart 41000 -VideoPortCount 1000}, Get-CsService -ConferencingServer | ForEach-Object {Set-CsConferenceServer -Identity $_.Identity -AppSharingPortStart 42000 -AppSharingPortCount 1000 -AudioPortStart 40000 -AudioPortCount 1000 -VideoPortStart 41000 -VideoPortCount 1000}, New-CsUnassignedNumber -Identity “Contoso Unassigned Range” -NumberRangeStart “+61299990001” -NumberRangeEnd “+61299999999” -AnnouncementName “Welcome Announcement” -AnnouncementService,, cmdlet GetSqlDateFormat.ps1 at command pipeline position 1. Important As you migrate to Microsoft Teams you will find that some of the cmdlets in the Skype for Business Online module are also used for Microsoft Teams. (dhcpv6) and ! One of the first steps in this journey is understanding how a Lync Online tenant can administer their environment. I think that started with my first job which was Unix based and so I had to learn quickly the art of the commandline. #This command is run regularly if servers in the pool are lost, or suffered an outage, and the routing groups need to be#reassigned, hydrated from DB.Reset-CsPoolRegistrarState -PoolFqdn “” -ResetType QuorumLossRecovery -Confirm:$False, #Perform a full rest of the pool, WARNING: Generally this command should not be run!Reset-CsPoolRegistrarState -PoolFqdn “” -ResetType FullReset -Confirm:$False, #MBSA Scan Edge Servers- Please run a MBSA scan on the Edge. Really easy fix, but the errors really don’t make it sound like this could be your problem. #Enabling a user for Enterprise Voice and issuing a phone number to the user. Open a Windows PowerShell command prompt and connect to Skype for Business Online by following the steps in this article: Manage Skype for Business Online with Office 365 PowerShell. Open the powershell command prompt and run it as an administrator. (works in conjunction with above command). So follow the CU doco to complete the install.LyncServerUpdateInstaller.exe /silentmode /forcereboot, #Perform a network trace without installing sniffer software. I have checked the Skype for Business … I hope you enjoy. Find the below link for download *NOTE: Plan this change and make sure you have the right port ranges sufficient for your environment.Get-CsService -ApplicationServer | ForEach-Object {Set-CsApplicationServer -Identity $_.Identity -AppSharingPortStart 42000 -AppSharingPortCount 1000 -AudioPortStart 40000 -AudioPortCount 1000 -VideoPortStart 41000 -VideoPortCount 1000Get-CsService -MediationServer | ForEach-Object {Set-CsMediationServer -Identity $_.Identity -AppSharingPortStart 42000 -AppSharingPortCount 1000 -AudioPortStart 40000 -AudioPortCount 1000 -VideoPortStart 41000 -VideoPortCount 1000}Get-CsService -ConferencingServer | ForEach-Object {Set-CsConferenceServer -Identity $_.Identity -AppSharingPortStart 42000 -AppSharingPortCount 1000 -AudioPortStart 40000 -AudioPortCount 1000 -VideoPortStart 41000 -VideoPortCount 1000}, Enterprise Voice – Unassigned Number Ranges, #Create a text to speech announcement to be used for unassigned numbers.New-CsAnnouncement -Parent -Name “Welcome Announcement” -TextToSpeechPrompt “Thanks for ringing Contoso Australia. Enterprise Voice – Call Admission Control, Get-CSUser -filter {RegistrarPool -eq “”} | Move-CSUser -Target “” -ignoreBackendStoreException -Force, If ((get-aduser -identity $strSam -properties proxyaddresses  | select proxyaddresses -ExpandProperty proxyaddresses | where {$_ -match “sip:”}).Count -ne 1) {, Write-host “WARNING: $i – $strSam – $strName – $strSip” -foregroundcolor DarkRed, Get-CsUser -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq “”}, Get-CsUser -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq “” -or RegistrarPool -eq “”}, Get-CsUser -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq “” -or RegistrarPool -eq “” -or RegistrarPool -eq “”} | Select Displayname,Sipaddress,RegistrarPool,LineURI,ClientPolicy,ConferencingPolicy,VoicePolicy,DialPlan | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File c:backupsUsers.csv, Get-CsUserPoolInfo, Get-CsUserPoolInfo “Steve Moore” | Select-Object -Expand PrimaryPoolMachinesInPreferredOrder, Get-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | Where-Object {$_.BackupPoolFqdn -eq $Null}, Get-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | Where-Object {$_.PrimaryPoolFqdn -eq “”}, Get-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | Where-Object {$_.PrimaryPoolFqdn -eq “”}, Get-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | Where-Object {$_.PrimaryPoolFqdn -eq “”}, Get-CsUser | Where-Object {$_.RegistrarPool -ne $Null} | Get-CsUserPoolInfo, Get-CsUser | Format-Table -Property DisplayName, SipAddress, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -AutoSize, Get-CsUser -Filter {VoicePolicy -ne $Null}, Get-CsUser -Filter {ClientPolicy -ne $Null}, Get-CsUser -Filter {ClientVersionPolicy -ne $Null}, Get-CsUser -Filter {VoicePolicy -eq $Null}, Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “Department=Finance”, Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “&(givenName=Stephen)(sn=Moore)”, Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “&(givenName=Steve)(surname=Moore)”, Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “&(Department=Finance)(Title=Manager)”, Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “|(Title=Supervisor)(Title=Manager)”. This is a cut down version, but I plan to keep adding to it over time. To return information about the users who have been enabled for Skype for Business Online, the Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet should be used instead of Get-CsUser that be used in on-premise environment. The examples I'm going to focus on primarily relate to scheduling PowerShell scripts for Exchange, Skype for Business, and Office 365 services. Well, good news this is no longer the case as the Skype for Business Online commands have been merged with the Teams PowerShell module (with the version 1.1.6) You can install the Teams PowerShell module using the PowerShell command (use the Run As Administrator) Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 1.1.6 The range of ports all boils down to planned usage, and the change being made here is controlling the source ports used by the server! (WSDiscovery) and ! (arp) and ! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Get-CSUser -filter {enabled -eq $false} | %{$strSam=$_.SamAccountName;Get-ADuser -filter {SamAccountName -eq $strSam} | where {$_.Enabled -ne $false}}, #Check for users without a sip: entry in their ProxyAddresses attribute$i=0;Get-CSUser | %{ $strSam=$_.SamAccountName; $strSip=$_.SipAddress; $strName=$_.Name;$i++; If ((get-aduser -identity $strSam -properties proxyaddresses  | select proxyaddresses -ExpandProperty proxyaddresses | where {$_ -match “sip:”}).Count -ne 1) {    Write-host “WARNING: $i – $strSam – $strName – $strSip” -foregroundcolor DarkRed } }, #Get all the objects from Active Directory, in the config and the domain partitions.ldifde -r “(objectClass=*)” -f config.ldf -p subtree -d “cn=configuration,dc=contoso,dc=org”ldifde -r “(objectClass=*)” -f domain.ldf -p subtree -d “dc=contoso,dc=com”. 1. Enterprise Voice. get-adobject -filter {sn -like “moore*” -and objectclass -eq “contact”}. #Find Lync users who are not enabled in AD. Set-CsUser -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $True -LineUri “TEL:+6129161297”, #Move all users from to Lync-Pool.contoso.orgGet-CSUser -filter {RegistrarPool -eq “”} | Move-CSUser -Target “” -ignoreBackendStoreException -Force, #Find a user’s Routing GroupGet-CSUser | %{$strRoutingGroup= $_.UserRoutingGroupID.ToString() -replace “-“,””;Write-Host $strRoutingGroup}, #Loop through all Lync enabled users and look to see if they have a SIP: value in their ProxyAddresses (used in Outlook Web App Instant Messaging integration)$i=0;Get-CSUser | %{ $strSam=$_.SamAccountName; $strSip=$_.SipAddress; $strName=$_.Name;$i++; If ((get-aduser -identity $strSam -properties proxyaddresses  | select proxyaddresses -ExpandProperty proxyaddresses | where {$_ -match “sip:”}).Count -ne 1) {    Write-host “WARNING: $i – $strSam – $strName – $strSip” -foregroundcolor DarkRed } }, #Get AD Users with a surname of moore, and with and msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddressget-aduser -ldapFilter {(&(objectClass=user)(msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress=sip*)(sn=moore))} -properties *, #Forcefully Move steve to the Lync-Pool *NOTE* Steve might lose data if source pool is not available.move-csuser -verbose -Target -Force -MoveConferenceData `$true, #Get all the users on the Lync-PoolGet-CsUser -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq “”}, #Get all Lync Users that are Enterprise Voice Enabled.Get-CsUser -Filter {EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -eq $True}#Get all Users on Lync-Pool or Lync-Pool2Get-CsUser -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq “” -or RegistrarPool -eq “”}, #Get all users from 3 pools and dump their data to a CSV for safe keeping.Get-CsUser -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq “” -or RegistrarPool -eq “” -or RegistrarPool -eq “”} | Select Displayname,Sipaddress,RegistrarPool,LineURI,ClientPolicy,ConferencingPolicy,VoicePolicy,DialPlan | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File c:backupsUsers.csv#Get Pool Info for Stevem, tells me what Front End is currently his primary registarGet-CsUserPoolInfo sip:stevem@contoso.comGet-CsUserPoolInfo | Select-Object -Expand PrimaryPoolMachinesInPreferredOrderGet-CsUserPoolInfo “Steve Moore” | Select-Object -Expand PrimaryPoolMachinesInPreferredOrderGet-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | Where-Object {$_.BackupPoolFqdn -eq $Null}Get-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | Where-Object {$_.PrimaryPoolFqdn -eq “”}Get-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | Where-Object {$_.PrimaryPoolFqdn -eq “”}Get-CsUser | Get-CsUserPoolInfo | Where-Object {$_.PrimaryPoolFqdn -eq “”}Get-CsUser | Where-Object {$_.RegistrarPool -ne $Null} | Get-CsUserPoolInfoGet-CSUser -Identity “” |fl > get-csuser.txt, Get-CsUser | Format-Table -Property DisplayName, SipAddress, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -AutoSizeGet-CsUser | Format-Table -Property DisplayName, SipAddress, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -AutoSizeGet-CsUser -Filter {VoicePolicy -ne $Null}Get-CsUser -Filter {ClientPolicy -ne $Null}Get-CsUser -Filter {ClientVersionPolicy -ne $Null}, Get-CsUser -Filter {VoicePolicy -eq $Null}Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “Department=Finance”Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “givenName=Steve”Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “&(givenName=Stephen)(sn=Moore)”Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “&(givenName=Steve)(surname=Moore)”Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “&(Department=Finance)(Title=Manager)”Get-CsUser -LdapFilter “|(Title=Supervisor)(Title=Manager)”, #Enable a Clark Kent on the Skype poolGet-CSADUser -identity |Enable-CsUser -SipAddressType samaccountname -sipdomain -registrarpool “”, #Create a new user Anakin Skywalker and create a photo in Active Directory for Anakin.New-ADUser -SamAccountName anakin -Name “Anakin Skywalker” -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText “Insta11Pwd” -Force) -Enabled $true -UserPrincipalName “” -GivenName Anakin -Surname Skywalker -DisplayName “Anakin Skywalker (Contoso)” -PasswordNeverExpires $true$photo = [byte[]](Get-Content C:imagesanakin.jpg -Encoding byte)Set-ADUser anakin -Replace @{thumbnailPhoto=$photo}, #Find the Routing Group ID for SteveGet-CSUser | %{$strRoutingGroup= $_.UserRoutingGroupID.ToString() -replace “-“,””;Write-Host $strRoutingGroup}, #See how all users in a SBA are tied togetherGet-CsUser -Filter {RegistrarPool -eq “”} |  %{$strRoutingGroup= $_.UserRoutingGroupID.ToString() -replace “-“,””;Write-Host $strRoutingGroup}. (llmnr) and ! Hi Sachin, To run the command for all the users, we may need some relevant PowerShell scripts. However, that does not mean that Microsoft 365 administrators cannot control certain aspects of Skype for Business using PowerShell commands. The Overflow Blog Strangeworks is on a mission to make quantum computing easy…well, easier To access the module, start a Windows PowerShell session under administrator credentials, and then run the following command: Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype for Business Online\Modules\SkypeOnlineConnector\SkypeOnlineConnector.psd1" Configure Teams Policy. Mobile apps are also available for Microsoft 365 services, including OneDrive, Skype for Business, and Microsoft Teams. Browse other questions tagged powershell office365 microsoft-teams skype-for-business multi-factor-authentication or ask your own question. Supply values for the following parameters: Use date format mm/dd/yyyy – an example is 12/31/2013, .CQM.ps1 -StartTime 11-01-2014 -EndTime 11-30-2014 -QoeInstance sql01.contoso.orglync -DataRoot c:cqm -LyncVersion lync2013, .CQM.ps1 -StartTime 01-11-2014 -EndTime 11-30-2014 -QoeCDRInstance sql01.contoso.orglync -DataRoot c:srmcqm -QoECDRVersion lync2013, Set-CsRoutingConfiguration -CallViaWorkCallerId +61291616789, New-CsCallViaWorkPolicy -Identity Tag:ContosoUser1CvWP -Enabled $true -UseAdminCallbackNumber $true -AdminCallbackNumber +61291617789, Grant-CsCallViaWorkPolicy -Identity -PolicyName Tag:ContosoUser1CvWP, Get-CsCallViaWorkPolicy -Identity Tag:ContosoUser1CvWP | Set-CsCallViaWorkPolicy -UseAdminCallbackNumber $False, Basic Skype for Business/Lync 2013 VDI Plugin Test Lab, Simplifying creation of Office Web App 2013 Farm Certificates. Since our forum focuses on Office 365 for Business online services, we suggest you turn to the dedicated PowerShell forum for effective assistance. Let's start with on-premises Exchange and Skype for Business. If you DO have it and set up hybrid, you’ll probably get this error: Or, you might get this error if you managed to get the interactive logon to pop up first and then entered your credentials there: There’s a huge amount of potential fixes offered, but for me it was one simple switch, which I found thanks to – use the -OverrideAdminDomain switch. I am a passionate Powershell and command line junky. Most of the commands (including the PowerShell cmdlets) here should work on different versions of Windows with little to no change. (ipv4.Address==, #A couple of useful strings to search for in the property attributeproperty.Description.contains(“SDP”) property.Description.contains(“RT Audio”) property.Description.contains(“Siren”) property.Description.contains(“ClockRate: 16000”) (property.Description.contains(“ICE 2.0”) or (property.Description.contains(“STUN:Binding Request”), #Look for SIP traffictcp.SrcPort == 5061 or tcp.DstPort==5061 or tcp.SrcPort == 5068 or tcp.DstPort==5068 or tcp.SrcPort == 5060 or tcp.DstPort==5060 or property.Description.contains(“SIP:”), #SQL Traffictcp.srcPort == 1434 or tcp.DstPort == 1434 or udp.DstPort == 1434 or udp.SrcPort == 1434, #TURN requestsproperty.Description == “TURN:TURN:Allocate Request” ORproperty.Description == “TURN:STUN:Binding Request” ORproperty.Description == “TURN:STUN:Binding Response”, #Lync SMB requestssmb2 and Property.SMBFileName.contains(“centra”)smb2 and Property.SMBFileName.contains(“CentralMgmt-1”)smb2 and Property.SMBFileName.contains(“xds-master”), netstat -an |find /i “listening”netstat -anobnetstat -ano |find “443”netstat -ano |findstr 443, netstat -ano | findstr “199” | where {$_ -match “:5”} | where {$_ -match “UDP” -and $_ -notmatch “tcp”}netstat -ano | findstr “199” | where {$_ -match “3478”} | measure, NSLookupNslookup to see if the contoso Lync records are in order, against the DNS Server.nslookup -type=all -type=all, Check to see if DNS records for Lync are right internally, against the DC 192.168.1nslookup -type=all -type=all, Install Pre-Requisites – Lync Server 2013, #look to see if .abs files are being generated…, dir \fe01.contoso.orglyncfileshare -recurse *abs | sort -property creationtime -Descending | select -first 5, Install Pre-Requisites – Skype for Business 2015. dir \fe01.contoso.orglyncfileshare -recurse *abs | sort -property creationtime -Descending | select -first 5? To help customers identify orphaned Windows Hello for Business (WHfB) keys affected by a TPM vulnerability, Microsoft has published a PowerShell module that can be run by administrators. I figured I would check PowerShell and sure enough, you are able to easily do this to change the mode for individual users. (Tcp.port == 1494) and ! One Office 365 tenant user must be assigned a Skype for Business license in order for the service principal for the Skype for Business workload to be created in Azure AD. ComputerB: on this machine, I connect remotely to PowerShell on ComputerA and run PowerShell command to connect to Skype tenant but got the error: Failed to connect live id servers. 3. If you have not installed Skype for Business PowerShell Module, click the link to install it on your PC. Save the data in the c:CQM folder..CQM.ps1 -StartTime 11-01-2014 -EndTime 11-30-2014 -QoeInstance sql01.contoso.orglync -DataRoot c:cqm -LyncVersion lync2013, #Collect CQM data with the 1.5 version of the CQM.ps1.CQM.ps1 -StartTime 01-11-2014 -EndTime 11-30-2014 -QoeCDRInstance sql01.contoso.orglync -DataRoot c:srmcqm -QoECDRVersion lync2013, #generic call via work #Set-CsRoutingConfiguration -CallViaWorkCallerId +61291616789, New-CsCallViaWorkPolicy -Identity Tag:ContosoUser1CvWP -Enabled $true -UseAdminCallbackNumber $true -AdminCallbackNumber +61291617789Identity               : Tag:ContosoUser1CvWPEnabled                : TrueUseAdminCallbackNumber : TrueAdminCallbackNumber    : +61291617789, Grant-CsCallViaWorkPolicy -Identity -PolicyName Tag:ContosoUser1CvWPGet-CsCallViaWorkPolicy -Identity Tag:ContosoUser1CvWP | Set-CsCallViaWorkPolicy -UseAdminCallbackNumber $False, internetav.contoso.com3478443, #Go and check (with HTTP connection) all the Office Web App sites configured in the topology, $objTopo = Get-CSTopology$objSites=$objTopo.Sites, write-host “Checking $Name”    $objSite = $objSites | where {$_.Name -like “$objName”} | select-object -ExpandProperty Services | where {$_.RoleId -like “WacService*”}    write-host $objSite.DiscoveryURL    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $objSite.DiscoveryURL | Select StatusCode,StatusDescription    Write-host “——————————————-“}. ComputerA: on this I can run PowerShell commands to establish the connection to Skype tenant. Don’t forget using SEFAUTIL requires Lync/Skype core components + certificate installed (step 1 & 3 in deployment wizard). need to download Skype for Business Online, Windows PowerShell Module and install it. Run the command below, and enter your Office 365 admin account credentials. PS May the force be with you *Is it difficult to tell I am excited about the upcoming Star Wars movie due for release in December?*. Please ring 0001 in the future.” -Language “en-AU”, #Set an unassigned number range for the organisationNew-CsUnassignedNumber -Identity “Contoso Unassigned Range” -NumberRangeStart “+61299990001” -NumberRangeEnd “+61299999999” -AnnouncementName “Welcome Announcement” -AnnouncementService, #Set the Contoso unassigned number range to play a .wav announcement when a call arrives for a phone number not currently issued to a staff memberGet-CsUnassignedNumber -Identity “Contoso Unassigned Range” | Set-CsUnassignedNumber -AnnouncementName “WAV Announcement” -AnnouncementService the Contoso unassigned number range to play a text to speech announcementGet-CsUnassignedNumber -Identity “Unassigned Number Range Contoso” | Set-CsUnassignedNumber -AnnouncementName “Welcome Announcement” -AnnouncementService, #Using CQM to check the date format used in SQL – you can download CQM 1.5 here C:cqm> .GetSqlDateFormat.ps1, cmdlet GetSqlDateFormat.ps1 at command pipeline position 1Supply values for the following parameters:QoeInstance: sql01.contoso.orglyncUse date format mm/dd/yyyy – an example is 12/31/2013, #Collect CQM data for 1st of November 2014 to 30th of November 2014. I am using MFA for office365, could you please help me with the syntax to connect to SFB online powershell module. Security & Compliance Center PowerShell cmdlets. Most instructions give you a pretty simple way to connect to Skype for Business Online (or they’ll just call it Skype for Business). You can use command disable-csuser to deletes all the attribute information related to Skype for Business Server from an Active Directory user account as example “Disable-CsUser -Identity “testuser”” For more information about the command you can check the following URL: One minute you’ll be using it to configure Direct Routing or an Auto Attendant, then you go away for a minute or two, then run the next command, only to be asked for credentials again. The Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet returns information about users who have accounts homed on Skype for Business Online.The returned information includes standard Active Directory account information (such as the department the user works in, his or her address and phone number, etc.) We use the New-CsOnlineSession function to create a remote PowerShell session to Skype for Business Online. This WebApp uses Microsoft Identity Platform so the user accepts our app to access user's resorces. New-CsTrustedApplicationPool -Identity -Registrar -Site Sydney -ComputerFqdn, New-CsTrustedApplication -ApplicationId SEFAUTIL -TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn -Port 6000, #Create a Call Park Orbit for Group Call Pickup, New-CsCallParkOrbit -Identity “Sydney” -NumberRangeStart “#100” -NumberRangeEnd “#199” -CallParkService -Type GroupPickup. (All the commands have to be executed on one of the Front Ends from the Skype for Business Server Management Shell) ... Finalize the Skype for Business topology decommission running the following command from the Skype for Business Server Management Shell. To manage background effects from PowerShell you need to use the Skype for Business Online PowerShell modules, and you need to create or modify existing policy and grant the policy as required to the end-users. For connection instructions for Skype for Business Online PowerShell, see Manage Skype for Business Online with PowerShell. Click “Save“ Allow for a few hours to apply these changes. Hi all, (This is an updated version 2.2: 09 .07.201 5 ) This blog entry is valid for Lync 2010, Lync 2013 and Skype for Business Server. I’ve been caught out by this twice and it’s taken me a while to find the rather simple answer. To connect to this service, you need to download and install the latest SkypeOnlineConnector module and create a remote PowerShell session to the service.. 2. PowerShell commands to configure Skype meeting delegate As an admin I would like to delegate Skype for Business on behalf of someone else (delegate user A to User B) via PowerShell, instead of doing it manually by using the Outlook client. We appreciate your understanding. (dhcp)  and ! You install the module via executable, downloaded from Microsoft, and then try to run the following PowerShell commands (or some similar variation): If you don’t have Skype for Business On-Premises, it should just work. I think that started with my first job which was Unix based and so I had to learn quickly the art of the commandline. SEFAUtil.exe / /enablegrouppickup:#100 /verbose. Connect to Skype for Business Online using remote PowerShell: 2. That is, that there is a 1 hour session timeout built in. #Check how many Lync processes are running on a box? *NOTE* Run the netsh trace stop when you want the trace to finish.netsh trace start capture=yes persistent=no overwrite=yes scenario=NetConnection tracefile=c:nettrace.etl fileMode=circular maxSize=400netsh trace stop, #Run Lync/Skype bootstrapper from the command line“%programfiles%Microsoft Lync Server 2013Deploymentbootstrapper.exe”“%programfiles%Skype for Business Server 2015DeploymentBootstrapper.exe”, #For all the servers in the Topology check their Get-CSWindowsService statusGet-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus | select replicafqdn | foreach {$strServer=$_.replicafqdn;$strServer;Get-CSWindowsService -computername $strServer;}, #Run Lync/Skype Cumulative Update Installer (silently, NOTE may reboot)LyncServerUpdateInstaller.exe /silentmode /forcereboot SkypeServerUpdateInstaller.exe /silentmode /forcereboot, #Reset the Pool Registrar StateReset-CsPoolRegistrarState -PoolFqdn “” -ResetType ServiceReset -Confirm:$False, #Reset the Pool Registrar State when a Routing Group has only 1 member and needs to be hydrated from the database.

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