what is the best fighting dog

I am however slightly alarmed that you are sharing the classified exercise results that you are privy to, and that this may be a breach of the security laws of several nation states. That was my past and I do not condone or would ever participate in dog fighting. Is there anybody in there? 600psi bite. This is one of the largest dog breeds, weighing between 150 and 160 pounds. F-22 pilots who ‘fought’ the Typhoon in DACT were impressed by its energy levels (especially in the first turn) and several Luftwaffe aircraft proudly displayed Raptor ‘kill’ silhouettes beneath their cockpits. The greatest of the great fighting dogs... posted by Gladiator @ 2:50 PM   Visual stealth: Medium (poor in early versions due to smoky engines), Instantaneous turn rates: Excellent (28deg/sec). So when it comes to aircraft. The only other breed that comes close is the patterdale terrier. Most of the real fighting hasn't been done in a long time. Which in my oppinoin is #1. F-35 expose here. I like the post and appreciate your attention to detail in the summaries. A G-suit as a decisive advantage for the Typhoon? Interview with a Super Hornet pilot here. I saw a chmpion APBT fight a female kangal and that was very short lived. The best thing they ever did for the APBT was to crack down on dog fighting... many a good dog died at the hands of dogfighters.... i ve seen 2 times how a perro de presa canario beat the shit out of a kangal......the first fight the kangal was dead and had his neck broken in 6 minutes......the second fight the owners came between the dogs otherwise this kangal was also dead you can find the videos http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODE3ODc4NTQ4==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&x=1 and the 2nd http://v.youku.com/v_show /id_XOTY1MTQ2OTI4.html?spm=a2h0j.8191423.module_basic_relation.5~5!2~5~5!8~5~5~A, I've owned to rottweilers male and female an American akita which was the biggest akita around people used to say was a very dominant dog powerful to, I now own a bitch boerboel and a male caucasian ovcharka shepherd, and I despise dog fighting, but if you do your home work the caucasian has more bite power psi than a lion, lion 690psi a caucasian between 700 and 750 they are one of only two dogs that can kill a wolf outright the other being the kangal, you are mistaken if you think a caucasian is not quick he's extremely fast when my boerboel and caucasian have fallen out it's a mismatch he's on her like a flash she didn't have a chance he would have hold of her neck quicker than you could say his name they are very aggressive they are something else I thought I was ready for this dog but it has took me by surprise I've never brought any of my dogs up to be vicious but he naturally is with everyone just wants to eat every dog and person on sight he weighed a ridiculous 8 stone at 11 months you are very mistaken if you think this breed of dog couldn't hold it's own and win against any breed of dog his dad was a Russian import and is a absolute monster with his ears snippet so the bears can't swipe them. Lol it makes me laugh that people who buy a certain dog breed automatically think it's the toughest dog on earth because they own it. Its an honour for an american pitbll that it can give only a little fight to bully kutta, gull dong and few more with no chance at all. It's not about the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog. Most wild animals that hunt humans do so because they are sick or injured and can't catch their normal prey..I own a 140lb.11month old presa canario who is a beast.the boerboels are use in South Africa to protect against lions..hyenas..etc.but never one dog..always in teams and even then they run the lions off not kill them...like those jeep commercials..don't wreck it doing suit you see on commercials.just saying.my presa will give his life for me and my kids and I'm good with that..and size does play into it and conditioning..Floyd mayweather as great as he is would get destroyed if he stepped in the ring with even an aging dander holyfield...common sence guys...don't lose your dog. According to Dr. Patrick Mahaney of Los Angeles, “It’s crucial that all veterinarians and pet owners be attuned to whole-body health, especially when a pet is diagnosed with cancer and is going through surgery, radiation or chemotherapy,” says Dr. Mahaney. When you look back at the history of dog fighting in Japan they outlawed the APBT from fighting the Tosa due to losing too many Tosa's ... Until the next "big thing" comes along the best fighting dog against any breed is a 50 lb to 60 lb American Pit Bull Terrier. The Gripen preserves energy very well, is hard to spot and has the smallest IR signature of the fighters on this list. Tosa's are 3 to 4 times larger tha pits. It needs one bite to break pits legs. That's why they are used here, not because they are anywhere near the "toughest breed". The Su-35’s engines, at maximum reheat, generate a staggering 62,000Ibs of thrust, which when combined with the ‘Flanker’ series superb aerodynamic configuration and vectored thrust nozzles, create an aircraft unparalleled in low-speed manoeuvrability. The tough structure offers a degree of battlefield protection according to MiG who have assessed the type’s performance in actual wars. It hunts bison for their masters. Its too bad we cant match the kangal with a dog that weighs 275lbs and has a bite force of 1500 psi because they dont exist. Crunch right through it like a Wolf. Russian airforce already induct several numbers in its fleet. Great Pyrenees5. Let's remember the facts, apbt have a very weak bite compared to other breeds with factual tests putting them at 250-300psi compared to mastiff breeds which tested at 550-600psi. Dog fighting was a popular blood sport which was been widely practiced in the past. Kangal. So theyd know best. I have a sheltie that fucked up a champion fighter pitbull. It is a felony offense under federal law as well. Hi Sebastien, I spent 4 years in japan during my service time and they laugh at the thought of apbt fighting. He was apparently wrong as this fight turned out to be a 1 sided slaughter in favour of the Tosa. Akitas are very very quick, agile, and powerful. You set Typhoon #1 but it lost 7-1 in dogfight vs Rafale (ATLC in UAE, Nov. 2009) - Real News, The best-looking F-16 isn’t an F-16: The Mitsubishi F-2. Why do you think we have wt classes in boxing, wrestling, judo etc? I have an American bulldog that would not lose to anything he is in a different league! This top is riculous rafale is the Best with the f22 in fights of abou dhabi in a air show eurofighter lose 4/0 vs rafale ! To keep this blog going- allowing us to create new articles- we need donations. !great business man. ‘Lose sight, lose the fight‘ is an old dogfighting adage and it is very easy to lose sight of the tiny Gripen. ( Log Out /  I have seen kangal fighting off tigers and lions for food, the tiger and lions maybe where not too seriouse about it but it just shows the courage of the kangal and strength to even match them. I had an average size lab, he wasn't even aggressive, but an owner with an Akita was walking with no leash and my lab took off after him. I'am sure a large aggressive kangal can whip and even kill a average to below average pitbull but only because the pitbull is probably not a good representive of it's breed and most of all because a kangal is 3 to 5 times bigger than the pit. It's funny you judge other breeds against the abd, must be a reason for that. Their predecessors were pitbull type dogs. A Rottweiler can beat a Pitbull because of its strength, agility, and biteforce which is 328 psi. Many times the MIGHTY AMERICAN PIT BULL will kill a much larger kangal. https://twitter.com/G_Steuer/status/421276175457984512/photo/1, http://www.defesanet.com.br/rafale/noticia/10893/Shooting-Down-an-Aggressor-on-My-Six–Vive-la-difference-/, http://typhoon.starstreak.net/Eurofighter/tech.php, Top Ten Fighters at the outbreak of World War II | Hush-Kit, Flying and fighting in the Lightning | Hush-Kit, 10 things you always wanted to know about planes, but were afraid to ask | Hush-Kit, Su-24 shootdown, thermobaric weapons and chaos: analysis of Russian air power in Syria | Hush-Kit, Hush-Kit Top Ten: The Ten best Fictional Aircraft | Hush-Kit, The Top Ten most formidable piston-engined fighters | Hush-Kit, Too few RAF aircraft to make a difference in Syria? Deadly little plane but the only reason I put this below the Su-35 is because it is not as powerful or as well armed as the other two higher on this list. It's best to learn how to tell when a dogfight is coming and how to prevent one from happening in the first place. My Samson is a Akita English Mastiff mix 180lbs of pure muscle. I have seen an 80lb female cougar kick the crap out of a 600lb grizzly bear while defending her cubs. I am not joking. Tosa's fighting weights are no what you think. If kangals weighed the same as a pitbull they would have 0 percent chance! In exercises, the type still does well, but this says more about the pilot quality than any inherent advantage of this platform in the WVR arena. As far as I am concerned planes after that are not necessary to list. People love to make up b.s. The one and only AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER is the world's toughest fighting dog. American bull dog2. These dogs take down mountain lions, on their own. The Su-35 unique abilities will require unique tactics – if flown by well-trained pilots, the Su-35 will prove a worthy adversary to any in-service fighter in the vicious world of the low-speed furball. Hes quoting real factual info done by national geo. The Rafale lacks a helmet-mounted sight and its high alpha performance is inferior to that of the Hornet family. Turkey Tail mushrooms, otherwise known as Coriolus Versicolor, … Kangal and Ovcharka kills small pitbulls without any fucking problem. In a slow fight, no Western fighters can match either the Bug or the Rhino. kangals are pussies LMFAO! This is like comparing Navy Seals to Ufc fighters, ultimately it comes down to the specific environment/situation, Akita's and C.O. Akitas are very dog aggressive by nature and comparable to rottweilers as fighting dogs as far as strength and bite force goes. The neighbors wanted us to pay their $1500 vet bill, and my dad had to sew up part of Bear's(Airedale) ear. i have a pink nose American pit bull now a male Balboa and seen how he works the aggression and stamina but not the bite force or power my rottie had. 3- Gripen. Below 10K feet the F-16 is similar in performance to the Typhoon. Whereas The Typhoon excels at high speed high-altitude maneuverability, the Rafale excels at low speed and low altitude, though its high altitude performance has also impressed French pilots. Fighting dogs were crossbred with other breeds to create a fast, agile and vicious animal capable of brawling for hours at a time. At supersonic velocities (Mach 1.6 and 36,000ft) the sustained turn rate of the Eurofighter betters all but the F-22, while its instantaneous turn rate is superior to the F-22. For example the outdoor, guard dogs such as Kangals and Filas, contrary to some very misinformed people on here, are bred to guard herds of cattle, sheep or goats. How chicken shit is that? are making the job much more complex. Duh, I wonder who would win? Instantaneous turn rates: Excellent (especially at low level), Help us give you more by donating to Hush-Kit here – even £1 is appreciated and it takes 10 seconds, 4. I have never seen nor even read about any pit bull beating an akita. The Tosa can only fight for 30 minutes while the PitBull can last many hours. This is because worth their salt would know that going up against three Gripens with the kind of pilots that they help produce would be tantamount to suicide regardless of what they were flying themselves. But I think it was very good and a non biased article. Grannick's Bitter Apple | Dog Chewing Deterrent. Would love to see a Tosa try. The Rafale has reportedly done well in DACT exercises against the F-22. Whether the Russian sensor fusion is up to par with modern western designs is yet to be seen but the aircraft is robust and has good armament. It is the only product which will give you a maximum of 15 feet shooting range. So would a 600 pound lion. Back a 100 yrs ago they bread and culled out 100's to get a unique trait. They're might be 1 or 2, but a pit bull is not it.. Hey silly boy, Akita's are much larger than pitbulls. I'm glad those days are over. Typhoon has a lower wing loading and greater power, Rafale higher angles of attack and (at least according to one pilot) has better ‘feel’. As far as kangals taking on lions and tigers forget about rolling up my jeans I need to put on my shorts because the bullshits getting to thick around here! Amen!!! Hello! I,ll pit my fluffy against any dog you bring! The fashion of aircraft camo here. The question was what is the toughest fighting breed. You’re just another dog in the fight and before you know it, the dog you’re trying to defend is coming after you. Extant breeds. What really really really matters is the fact that JESUS CHRIST IS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!! All it takes is early proper socialization.5. At sea level, the Rafale is reported to have a superior instantaneous turn rate to Typhoon. Staying power in a dogfight is very important, chances are your opponent did not come alone, planes fly in squadrons. became breeds. So that would explain the dogo killing the cougar. It is literally 1/4-1/3 the total cost of the EF-2000 and 1/3 the total cost of the Su-35 (also 1/3 the total cost of the Rafale). I had great results with the following supplements to keep her cancer at bay! Prevention is ultimately the best way to eliminate fighting and that mean's being aware of your dog's cues and paying close attention to other dog's cues as well. everyone the toy poodle is king of the ring! It's not the kangal or the tosa as the author stated. Su-35 is fully-operational now. Reason #1: Predatory Drift. https://defenseissues.net/2015/12/21/a-fighter-for-canada/ It is so common nowadays to read the ill-informed rants of the barely literate, so your mini-essay is a much-needed breath of fresh air. It scores highly on turn radius, low visual signature, low-speed capabilities and also has excellent pilot vision. You little queer bait bitch. Bigger breeds have to finish earlier The pit bull is like the wolverine built and equipped to take down beast three times its size. You fly in close to confirm your targets are sukhois and then you are most likely dead in WVR air combat. My dog passed away at age 11. Akita Inu. 85% of the time from the research i did. Fish oil has… The dogs from Scott AB lines are usually the best fighters but there are several thick beefy Johnson or Johnson Scott hybrid Ab's that really dominate their opponent.One Ab named Huron has several victories and is even shown fighting a bear with pretty good success. Two different specimens, and two different jobs. Bully Kutta. My pit will make your presa his girlfriend. The tosa dominated the first 20 to 30 minutes, with the pit bull taking over and destroying the tosa. The Kangal when introduced to America was used in Louisiana a few times but was not very good .. Full story here. The fighting dog of Japan is a large and aggressive dog which is surpsingly agile. There are two integrated now, most probable will be scorpion for frenc aircrafts. PERIOD. Only one out of 100 walking their pit bull will have it healing at their side! I have some of the finest game stock and I were to campaign them they would destroy anything out there. This breed is large and muscular, usually weighing up to 130 pounds. As of today (May, 2016) I would put it above the Rafale because despite being a little chunky and not liking the canopy (not as good observation unlike a Typhoon) it would get the AIM-9X however this article was based on 2015 and so, it has to lose points on still using the old missile. God bless all. It is packed with a feast of material, ranging from interviews with fighter pilots (including the English Electric Lightning, stealthy F-35B and Mach 3 MiG-25 ‘Foxbat’), to wicked satire, expert historical analysis, top 10s and all manner of things aeronautical, from the site described as: “the thinking-man’s Top Gear… but for planes”. I had a Tosa Inu from Kochi Japan He got in a fight with the Big muscular Pitbull across the street and Destroyed him. Also pits have taken down large corso and mastif breeds, bigger, stronger and with more bite power then wolves. Although there are many breeds of dogs used for fighting worldwide, the dog of choice for fighting in the United States at this time is the American Pit Bull Terrier. Tossa, gull terr and 2-3 more breeds will win 7 out of 10 against any game pitbull. And PIT occupies the next. Boz shepherd, a turkish shepherd, is larger, stronger, and has a higher bite force than a turkish kangal. At medium to high altitudes, the type is generally superior to the teen fighters in the WVR regime. It appears there is a lot of YouTube kids on here parroting comments.. Dr. Carl semencic,world of fighting dogs " the American pit bull terrier is undisputed the most effective fighting dog ..matches have been staged with every other breed of dog and then some, and time and time again the American pit bull terrier will come out on top.. Books by Richard Stratton document the matches of all the so called fighting dogs mentioned in these posts,as a matter of fact they were of no interest of game pit bull owners and we're just novelty matches .. putting a cur in with a game pit bull is a horrible thing to watch.. You people have no clue what your talking about have absolutely no idea..if these breed above or below were such good fitting dogs they would have been used by dog men in pits..the reason why nobody did use them is because they are curs...the bandogge is the only...only...dog I have ever read documented to actually beat a pit bull and it was because it injured the pit bull before its gameness was a factor..nothing,no tosa nothing..kangals have been documented jumping the wall after few minutes with a fucking puppy of 1 year old game dog..this is all documented material.. Turkish kangal........The best.......no tosa no pitbull......came close to this breed... Stop smoking crack, it's dogo argentino or nothing.

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